Adastros4CP ~ Finance Manifesto

Day 2,354, 05:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

Hello again eUK!

My third manifesto focuses on what I would like to do with the eUKs money; both making it and spending it.

Our finances have been understandably weak ever since ChewChewShoe stole the contents of out Govt orgs back in December; and the focus has understandably been on rebuilding the treasury; rather than spending money. Now however; I think we are keeping too much money back in reserve in the Country Accounts, when it could be being used by our MoF either to make more money, or spent helping eUK players.

One policy that our current President had in his manifesto but doesn’t seem to have been implemented was the idea of using Govt money to trade in goods on the market for profit (for example Q7 weapons, which frequently change in price). I would like to see the MoF buy up a number of Q7 weapons and/or other goods from the markets, which could be either held until a price rise to make a profit, or they could be distributed to eUK fighters during crucial battles.

Another potential way of the Government making money is the use of Govt owned companies, though these would have to be kept on a trusted players account, and then the profits donated into the CA. If elected I would work with the MoF to explore the financial viability of operating more Govt owned companies; and hopefully establishing some if it will work long-term.

Outside of this we still have the traditional MM-fishing to bring in money, and I would like to see this continue. To deal with the increased workload I will be looking to have two MoFs plus deputies this month.

The overall them of this section is that we need to get money out of the Country Accounts and helping eUK players, here I detail suggestions as to how we could do this.

If elected, I would like to pull and directly spend initially about 1000 gold from the Country Accounts; here I shall detail what this could be spent on:

State Run MU Competition: It has been a long time since the admins gave us an MU competition, but I want to encourage our MUs to do as much damage as possible, especially as this month will likely be full of crucial battles to liberate ourselves following the wipe being completed (likely today).

The overall MU competition will last for three weeks, and the top prize will be for the MU that does the most damage over that time; I would like the prize to be in the region of 300-400 gold for this. There would also be smaller prizes for other categories, such as most kills, highest average damage per member and probably others. I would also like to see mini-competitions focused around smaller time-frames, such as a single battle; or a week.

If elected I will talk to Congress, as well as relevant ministers to try and launch this soon after the election. I hope that doing this will be a good way to encourage friendly competition among our MUs, with a positive aspect for the eUK of more damage being done. Also, giving money for prizes to our top MUs will also benefit the eUK in the long run; as that money will hopefully be used to help fighters within that MU.

I would estimate this competition will cost in the region of 1000 gold; now this will sound like a lot but currently we have 3000 gold sat in the CA doing nothing, and the 1000 gold is just the money we earnt from the National Shield tournament a while back. This was earnt by people fighting, so it would be nice to give money back to our MUs, which for so long have worked independently and selflessly for the eUK. This money can also be seen as an investment in our MUs, and hopefully will benefit the eUK in the future.

Outside of the MU Competition; I would have a modest budget of 50-70 gold for the MoEd for prizes; I would like to see journalistic prizes given out, for example, but the decision will be left to the minister concerned.

I would like to see other amounts of money taken from the CA as well (with Congress’s permission ofc) but this would be spent to make money back.

Applications to join my Cabinet are open, just use the link to go to the GDoc form to apply for both full ministerial and deputy positions.

- Finding new ways of making money- Govt Companies, trading goods on the markets, as well as traditional MM Fishing.

- An MU Competition, costing in the region of 1000 Gold. Designed to promote activity and competition within our MUs, and the prizes given out will also be investments into our MUs, benefiting the eUK in the long run. Will not be run entirely by the MoF.

- Budget given to the MoEd to run competitions.

- Two MoFs to handle the increased workload of the MoF.

Thanks for Reading,

Prospective CP Candidate