Actual changes, features

Day 1,210, 13:21 Published in Slovakia Poland by the Dentist


Companies no longer post offers on the market.
Citizens post offers on the market.
Be a smart consumer. Buy from trusted sellers. Buy from people you know. Buy from members of the military. Buy from fellow party members or from new players that could use some start up money.
The fact is, now, more than ever, it is possible to screen who it is you are purchasing from.


You can resell unused items.

Every election coordinator must be crazy happy right now. The biggest resell-able item will likely be tickets. Every one tends to have leftover tickets and nothing to do with them at some point in their eLife. Now just sell them back to those who need them!

A "black market" of sorts has always existed for purchased goods. Now everyone can buy and sell as they please on the actual market.


All export licenses have been reset and those who had any have been given the same number of licenses to choose new countries (and sell all goods there rather than from just one company).

This would be an amazing time for the government to attempt to form concrete economic bonds with other nations by making suggestions to citiens about which countries they should trade with.


Holy donations!


You use goods straight from your inventory. If you own a few companies, this means never having to restock mid battle. You can hit the eat button and use your tanks to kill some Romanians til you run out of food fights. This is a huge change for military donations structures, I'd imagine.


The highest Quality food or weapon in your inventory will be used when you eat or fight.

If you want to avoid using your highest quality food/weapon, just put all of it on the market at an inflated price.

So if I want to avoid wasting my Q5 guns until a big fight, I can put them on the market for 2000SKK a gun and barefist it. Same goes with if I'd like to eat up some Q1 food. I would have to put all of my Q2 and Q3 food on the market.

An elegant solution? No. But a solution nonetheless.


These changes, more than anything, make quartermastering (the process of handing out food/guns to members of the military or militias) no longer feel like slave labor.

If a unit says that every member gets 100 wellness per day, all they need to do is donate 50 Q1 food to every member at the beginning of the day, and their job is done. They rest of the day can be spent on strategizing and whatever else it is that milfolk do.

The other big change is that, until limits are put into place, there is little reason to own high Q food companies (Q4 and Q5) if you use them only to self supply. This is because if you make Q1 food the tedious step of selling and rebuying has been taken out of the equation. Despite the fact that it will take longer to simply *click* the eat food button, it is still more of a bargain than paying all that gold for a high Q company that makes exactly the same amount of wellness per day worth of food. Of course, in the last minute of battle, one would rather have 10 wellness food rather than 2, but you get the point.

A lot of people said that org removal would lead to the death of militias and private military groups. It is finally beginning to appear that the exact opposite is occurring. The change in how supplies can be donated is a profound shift in how this game will work from now on.

Military members can get back to using their brains rather than their all-day donating fingers. They no longer need complex structural organization as much as they need to create a fun atmosphere.

thx goes to c.roy