About Switzerland and future plans

Day 3,802, 10:40 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery


Almost half of my mandate has passed and the question is: What have I done so far?

-First, we continued our MPP with Indonesia and we signed new with Montenegro. Now as a part of NEW NEBULA we are going to sign MPPs with the other members of the alliance.

-Second, we continue our Training war with Republic of China(Taiwan).

On request of our friends from Bulgaria, our Airstrike was filled and I sent AS on their capital city, Sofia, in order to change it in The USA. When we occupied Sofia, something went wrong with the game modul, which wasn't the same as earlier, and we had to attack on Plovdiv, Burgas and now Varna. Today we had a peace proposal so the war will end soon.

When we land in Sofia, I got a message from Severus Snape (CP of Macedonia) to send NE on Macedonia with the same goal, to change their capital in USA. After NE law attack was lunched, Eastern Macedonia was occupied. We will occupy Macedonia and realise their original regions.

With the Swiss MoD, Liakouris, we made a plan about weekly air donations and there is ground donations this is ONLY for Swiss Military Academy.

Tef1 is our new Minister of Fun, He even activated a discord chanel https://discordapp.com/channels/434829222163382272/434829222163382274

Thank you dear Swiss citizens
Daree III
Country President

Swiss here, Swiss there, Swiss everywhere