A United Canada?

Day 2,469, 06:52 Published in Canada USA by please delete mee

Now to anyone who has miraculously found my article which was buried under many more articles and looked at it, you might think I'm speaking for the UF. You might think that I've finally lost it and switched it to the other side. Well, this article isn't any of that. And this article is about to start.

Let's get going!

Canada is a very diverse and active (for our population) mix of eCitizens. We've got lots of media activity and several parties that you can choose from. The CPF, the UF, the Imperial Wolves, le parti Francophone Canadien et beaucoup d'autres partis. So back to the point. While lots of good things happen in Canada, bad things happen too. And now here we get to the touchy part...

Now before we start, I have freedom to offend anyone I want freedom of speech. And you do too. So feel free to express your opinion in the comments.

As you all know, the CPF and UF are fighting again. The UF was accused of being a PTO and the CPF is accused of inviting Americans in and "being useless". Now, this usually happens every election. But this time, it seems like it's a bigger argument. I'm a member of the CPF but I'm not going to take sides - at least not in this article. My point is that Canada needs to unite from within - otherwise how will we manage to fend off attackers? It doesn't matter anymore - the CPF made mistakes but so did the UF. Let's put that behind us.

Come on Canada! Vote it! Shout it! Comment! Let's unite as one again!

Comments? Compliments? Suggestions? Questions? Put 'em in the comment box!