A thousand days of eRepublik

Day 5,732, 04:14 Published in Austria Austria by RodderickJames

, you ask. And this is the only relevant question of course.
In September 2020, we had something in the real world called Corona. It came from Mexico and was pretty tasty, especially if you served it cool. But we also had a pandemic that caused our social lives to cease. Which was not so cool.

I had played other online multiplayer games before, but those were more time- and thought-consuming, which I lacked the energy for. (Cycling-for-freaks will always be in my heart though.) eRepublik is an easy farm game, that offers little successes every time you accidentally touch a button on your mouse, which was just what I needed at the time. I wanted to stop soon after, since it didn't seem to deliver on any of its promises: strategic game, political simulation, offers a real second life... (that Guardian-quote from another time which they still have up there somewhere).

Then I got into some social interaction and that's where it became more interesting. Some were positive, some negative, both motivating in their own way. Still, was that enough? I could have been active on some of those social networks instead, where my account vegetates in a dark server-corner. But I got curious: The next chapter was the riddle. Hints and whispers indicated, that once upon a time there was more to this game than just farm wars and angry chat messages. Which had to be true, otherwise how would so many players hang around in a dull game like this for centuries? So I started to put some puzzle pieces together for a while and felt like a clumsy historian dusting off broken ancient amphoras here and there.

And time just flew by. eRepublik is so limited in what it offers gameplay-wise and still it is kind of an open world, where you can do your own thing, set your own goals, make friends. And if you wish to find one, the game always provides one or more filthy enemies worthy of ruthless destruction (or at least an attempt of that).

This game is a terrible waste of time... but somehow, it is still fun to play. Thanks to all you lost people who are shipwrecked here along with me.

A thousand days... amazing. (1.062 to be exact.) Might well be a good time to think about quitting.
But now I wanna see how it ends. 😉

Have a nice summer everyone!