A taste of my own medicine... My eRep BFF

Day 3,274, 17:13 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Well, MCKitKat talked me into spinning the wheel myself. He actually tricked me into inflating FREE PARKING because he’s an evil genius. I’ll let him have his fun, though. The semi-finals are coming up. He may have a lot of boons stored up, but it may not be enough, especially now that he’s inspired me to not pull any punches.

Anyhoo, I landed on ‘write an article about your eRep BFF.’ I put this category on the wheel because I think it’s something we don’t ever stop to think about. We all know a lot of people in this game and have a lot of people we’re friendly with. But singling out one person as THE person is kinda hard. I think over the years I’ve played this game, it’s been different people at different times. Who is it now?

The obvious choice here is Pfeiffer. I mean, I enjoy his company so much I proposed to him. Of all the dudes in this game, he’s my number 1. I just think this game is more fun when he’s at his best. But no… I mean he’s certainly something to me, but I don’t know if best friend really fits. For that, I would have to go with Kody. Afterall, I trust him enough to run the wheel for me, which means he has the keys to this game I’ve put a ton of work into. That’s a really big deal to me.

I trust him and I respect him and I genuinely enjoy working with him. He’s always my CoS. I’m his VP. I’m his boss on the national level and he’s my boss in the party. We are a really good team because I think we value the same things in this game. I have a hard time being friends with people who have an entirely different work ethic, unless they have some other quality that I really respect or admire. But Kody is my bro, for sure. I would hire him in real life. I’d pick him to be on my team in real life. He’s a solid guy and I value his opinion even though he’s a terrible troll and entirely too mean to me sometimes.

He keeps saying I’m his mom and that used to really piss me off, but I legit like the guy and I think he’s an admirable player of this game. If he thinks he is the apple and I’m the tree, then I’m honored. Being his mom is a huge compliment, so I’ll take it.

Kody is my eRep BFF. I heart him.


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