A Statement from Cromstar (that's me!)

Day 838, 20:38 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Greetings eAmericans (and Emerickans),

I am writing today as the Party President of the Democratic Republicans to an audience of my fellow party members, as well as the rest of the eUSA. I feel that, with everything going on right now in the New World, it's a prime time for me to get out and say a few things.

First off, to my loyal party members, yes, I am running for election again this month. Next month? Who knows, we'll see when the time comes. For now, I encourage you all to sign up on our spiffy new forums. Sign up and send me a message so you can see all the cool stuff. This month I plan to use the forums for some official business, so pay close attention!

Secondly, our very own George Griffin has arranged a DemRep University for our members who wish to learn new things. Check out the new DRU boards on the forums to see updates as they become available. PM George Griffin for more information, or if you are interested in teaching or taking classes through DRU.

Now for messages that the entire nation might like to here. I want to congratulate newly-elected President PigInZen, a good friend of mine whom I've supported in his two POTUS bids so far. Pig, you are the man...err pig, errr...Bacon FTW! Also, good luck to former President Frost. Your two terms were some of the liveliest I've had the pleasure of serving under. I'm sure the rest of America feels the same as I do in wishing you well. To Vice-President Andy Costello: you are filling some big shoes. Hope you manage to find your own niche and get a good look at politics for the first time.

I'd also like to (belatedly) congratulate all the elected Congressmen this month. I know things look odd from the outside, but I assure you we are working hard to improve the nation. I'd especially like to congratulate our 7 DemRep winners: John Largo, logan dunleavy, SGGHays, Eugene Harlot, beerman616, Joe DaSmoe (I won, but self-congratulations would seem Narcisstic).

To finish off this update, I want to make two statements that shall serve as party policy as long as I serve as Party President. First off, the DemReps are supportive of providing only the best, brightest, and strongest Congressional candidates. It has been my policy to personal review all our candidates, and this upcoming election will be no different in that respect (all assuming I win the PP election, of course). However, due to PTO threats, I shall be forced to fill the ballot with blockers in order to insure no PHOENIX-sympathizers have a chance at even running for election. Therefore, I shall be calling upon my party members to provide as much help as they can to keep the eUS glados-free. I stand by what I've deemed the 'quality over quantity' method of election strategy, and I ask that all other parties seriously consider doing the same. It's not about how many Congressmen your party has in Congress...its about making sure the 51 elected Congressmen are the BEST 51 we have. If we have more than 51 good candidates, so be it...but don't run 30-some candidates just because you want to hold that many seats. That's a poor way to run a country. (Note: this is not directed at any person or party specifically)

Secondly, I'd like to make a statement concerning militias. Lately there has been a large push within the eUS and even inside political parties to create, run, and/or sponsor militias. I'll admit, the DemReps seriously considered that as well. However, after having given the matter continuous thought and studying it, I've come to a solid conclusion that, at least for me as Party President, I've rendered final: the Democratic Republicans will not have an official relationship with militias, and will instead ask our members to join the military or a non-party militia.

Militias are nice and fun for citizens, but we aren't interested as a party any more. For those DemReps who were looking forward to a party militia, I am sorry. The eUSA military is always looking for more recruits, and having had the former General of the Training Division as my Party Vice-President for several months, I can honestly say that they are pretty kick-ass. The DemReps wish to salute all the members of the eUSA military, and I personally encourage all citizens to consider joining the military. Additionally, there are non-party militias out there that would love to have you.

That's all for now, eAmericans! In the near future, I shall begin with a series of articles about Congress, its history, and all that stuff you can't see us doing. That's right...despite some people's protestations to the contrary, Congress rarely 'does nothing.' And I shall show you why it looks that way.

DemRep PP
Proud eAmerican