A small life story for my croatian friends

Day 1,424, 05:46 Published in China Romania by curcubitator
It was a saturday night, 1999, i was fishing on a river in Romania, near the border with Serbia, the night was silent, everything was perfect. All this until planes flew over me and headed to Serbia, just kilometers away i saw and heard huge explosions. I was speechless, felt like in a World War movie, unreal.

Next day i got home, and quickly opened the TV to see the most horrible news i saw in my life. The romanian president, the romanian government, which we elected, did not care for what the population wanted. They cared only for NATO money and approved NATO planes to go through our airspace and bombard our friends from across the border. Civilians got killed because of our leaders, that broke my heart and filled me with shame. I had to feel the shame of a traitor, although i was NOT one, i did NOT vote for that, i did NOT elect that. Needless to say that president and that party never got elected again, and they disbanded.

And like me, most of romanian population felt in the same way. But we had no power to do anything. Until today, with a small gesture, we could wash away a small portion of that black memory and do the right thing in voting 72% for not an independent Kosovo.

Romania was always good friend with Yugoslavia, that means we are friends with Croatia, with Serbia, with Bosnia and Montenegro. In this game faith placed us in the shoes of a child that has to choose a parent when a family splits.

Faith brought us near Croatia and Bosnia, but relations with Serbia remained of silent respect.

People say that RL is RL and game is game. True and in this game Romania and Croatia fought for each other for years, and will continue to do that.



P.S. As i wrote this article the battle for Vidin ended with another EPIC win for EDEN.

o7 Bulgaria