A new MoFAIT / Un Nouveau MAÉCI

Day 705, 00:37 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

[Version Française plus bas]


I'm the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada. It's an honor to receive yet one more opportunity to serve this great nation to my utmost ability. I will try to pick the pace as quickly as I can to follow what's happening in this ever-changing world, and to ensure that Canada interest are always being taken care of.

You might ask yourself why have I been given this position considering the fact that I have never been in congress prior to this job. Well I have been a member of the Foreign department now for more than 5 months. I have mostly spent my time as the ambassador to eGermany. I also wrote an ambassador guide with the help of Derek Harland to bring our ambassador to an efficient level in a very short amount of time. And more recently I have been appointed to the Theocracy as their ambassador. All this experience helped me put things into perspective and to think about the nation before my own personnal feelings.

But I will not be alone in this endeavor, as my deputy will be none other than eldorino (former MoFA) who will definetly help me get started and provide important advice.

I will constantly try to improve our relation with any nations that wish to talk to us and this is definetly my priority this term. As my predecessor jfstpierre ( he's now at the head of the DoFR) started to do, well try to continue to open up new embassy, wether it will be in ALA or SoL we are open to it.

My second priority will be to make sure that all of our ambassador have all the tool they need to do the right job. It's very important that each of them know how to do his job and become a more efficient member of the department. But even If I will always work with them first, I can assure you of something, if an ambassador can't do his job, or his sabotaging our relations with other nations, they will be either removed or reassigned elsewhere.

We will also be working on a way to improve the FA official position document, in order to make it perfectly fit for our current need.

All of my official communication will from now on be also in both english and french. As it's a standard now regarding our bilingual community.

Chucky Norris


Je suis le nouveau Ministre des Affaires Étra