100 Subscribers!!!!!

Day 4,295, 10:01 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by tef1

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks to our loyal fans, we hit a milestone. Here on TNS, we are forever thankful for each and everyone of you all.

Tef1 is a renowned entertainer and greatest scholar eSwizerland has ever seen. That will never stop. There will be so many articles that will make you fall in love with Tef1 even more, if it is eBiologically, even possible.

He is funny. That continues........ Like 10x better

He speaks in the third person. (I do, I mean he does)

He is serious (Even the greatest clown gotta have a serious bone, and he sure does)

He is smart. Way too smart. Not convinced yet? buckle up because school is in session.

He is very generous aka fool.

All that will continue.

So buckle up everyone.

In all seriousness, thanks to all of you. Road to 1,000 begins today.

So subscribe





Swiss here swiss there Swiss everywhere

May harambee protect our land