[WTP] Let me be your Kitty PP?

Day 2,151, 22:20 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Mood Music

Kitty here! I come to you again asking for your votes. Again?? You might say, and in reply I say yes. The times I was your Party President before I was working to build things. I am very strong in thinking.. hmmm WHAT do we need to do? And coming up with solutions. The wheels are turning in my kitty brain too.

Just to get everybody up to speed a bit. (For those who don’t know, and those who are new.) I was PP 3 terms: January, March & April. During those terms my cabinet and I worked to install the offsite voting, congress voting & FTW along with many things that you are familiar with being WTP and a good number you might not be. (Really - when was the last time we held a referendum?) I served our Government as Secretary of Education. I’ve been in Congress a fair number of times. I currently work as deputy Secretary of State. I even served as MoFA for Denmark under ilphen during my amazing Danish vacation. Which brings us to where we are now....

Why did I tell you all this? Simple really. I love WTP. I have loved this party since day 1. We are full of opposing ideas. We aren’t afraid to be the voice that people say are crazy and irrational. We aren’t afraid to be the voice that everyone agrees with. WTP says what we want. Without fear of retribution. Why can we do that? Because we are the PEOPLES party. People have different minds, different opinions, different goals, different views... So on and so forth. You can never EVER make each person happy all at one time, but you can show them that although you aren’t doing what you want... You do care about their ideas, opinions, etc...

I know you are probably all wondering my stance on Work Tax and USAF. I won’t go into great details here (as I am sure I’ll be hearing about it soon regardless! lol) I will tell you this much. I want to see our nation having regions again. Whatever it takes. I am SF, but I have also experienced Private MU’s. Both have advantages and it’s a decision that isn’t the same for everyone. BUT. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for both. People deserve the freedom to pick what they are most comfortable being in. Like I said - no great detail here.

Anyways! I rambled far longer than anticipated. I want to be your PP because I love you guys. SO MUCH! It’s like a momma cat and her kittens. No matter how much they grow - momma still loves each of her babies.. from every litter. Oh yea.. Cat analogy! GO ME!

Kitty out!