[WTP] FTW Phase 2! And a Happy Holidays to you!

Day 2,220, 21:44 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

You should be listening to this.

Kitty here! Another article? Already? What has gotten into me?! Christmas I think. I know many people view Christmas many different ways. I personally see it as a season of hope. A time to stop and think about things. A time to look forward to things. And.. THAT! is what this article is about in a way.

I know lately you’ve heard me going on about FTW. Seems to be all I write about these days. This isn’t completely different. EXCEPT! WTP is moving onto Phase 2. YES! There is a FTW Phase 2! I’ve been excitedly waiting for this day. I mean - I REALLY have wanted to do this. You wanna know what it is don’t you? OF COURSE YOU DO!

FTW will now be offering jobs. Not everyone opts to be in an commune, and that’s fine. If you are a member of WTP and looking for a job making GOOD wages. This is for you. I won’t give an exact amount because the market fluctuates, but it’ll be above average wages. All you need do is contact me. I’ll hook you up ASAP.

These jobs will do two things. First they will put some money in your pocket. Who doesn’t like some money? Second they will boost the food production for FTW. And let’s face it - Who doesn’t like getting free food? OM NOM NOM!

Yes - another simple, short & sweet article from me! Remember - Be in WTP, don’t be in a commune, message me, PROFIT!, and help FTW. Short, sweet and simple! ♥ Kitty out!

WTP wishes you and yours a very Merry Christmas and an amazingly Happy Holiday season!

PS! I know I promised a list in my next article, but this happened a tiny bit sooner than anticipated. It’ll be.. soon.. I have not forgotten! ♥