Поредният ми тикет: WE WANT JUSTICE

Day 1,616, 23:26 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by The pacoX

So, obviously the beloved fried turkeys have taken advantage of an exploit and produced hundreds of thousand tanks Q6 and energy bars. and this is all your fault because you are completely incompetent as I have been telling you for a long time. and now you do nothing again, despite you are fully aware of the situation. furthermore - you are banning Bulgarian babies instead of turkish cheaters! but that's what you are - incompetent greedy cheaters that constantly support pathetic ecountries like fried turkeys, mamaligars and bankrupt thiefs of EU money.
what will you do to compensate us for being victims of an exploit? you gave millions of damage to the cheaters to continue cheating and fighting against Bulgaria. what will you do now to compensate the real victims?
I know the answer - nothing once again. because you are greedy incompetent losers that only can jurking off while seeing eturks and egreeks kissing and ..... long leave the greko-turkish manafian love. restore the ottoman empire and the bizantine empire and continue with the porn without women participating.