[VM71] Vote for Madelina

Day 2,424, 10:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71


With the PP election coming up next Tuesday (15th July), it's time to start considering who to vote for as our next party leader.

There are two realistic options: BigAnt and Madelina de Melrose. Let's take a look at them.

BigAnt is our current PP, although in reality he's from the Vendetta party. Last month he flooded TUP with Vendetta stooges whose sole purpose was to vote for him.

He made lots of great sounding promises as part of his campaign. Congress positions for newer players, openness and transparency, democracy and new ideas. But he's broken every single one of them. In fact, since becoming PP BigAnt has barely said a word to the party he leads, other than to encourage us to vote for him as CP.

Talking of which, do you remember voting for BigAnt to become our party's candidate for CP? No. Because it never happened. He promised to allow anyone to apply to be our candidate, but he then rejected or ignored every application he received. Then he claimed to be the only person interested in standing before duly appointing himself as our official candidate. Not a lot of the democracy he promised us there, is there?

And yet it gets worse. Having appointed himself as our CP candidate, he then changed the name of the party to "Vote BigAnt". At the same time, he changed our party emblem to the Vendetta party badge. When questioned about this, one of his lackeys told me that the party had voted on this. Do you remember being asked to vote on it? No, or course not, because it never happened.

Now BigAnt is standing as PP again. We haven't heard his campaign promises yet, but you can be sure that they'll come. And they'll be the same as last time. And he'll accuse people like me of making a noise when everyone else in the party is happy.

Maybe he's right - maybe the party is happy with a PP that does nothing for us, but uses the party as his personal plaything. But I don't think he is. However, there's only one way to prove that he's wrong - get rid of him!

Madelina de Melrose
To stop BigAnt from winning, there's been a campaign running to select a single candidate who we can all stand behind. That candidate is Madelina de Melrose.

Why Madelina? Because she's experienced, generous, fair, and embodies the good side of the TUP.

She's got bags of experience, including Minister of Education, NHS Director, Member of Congress and current Captain in the TUP MU. She's at level 42, so you know that she knows what she's doing. Perhaps best of all, she set up and runs the eBrit University - an organisation dedicated to teaching and subsequently rewarding young players, so that they provide a useful contribution to the country (I know - I'm going through it now).

Madelina has published two thoughtful election manifestos in her newspaper The Melrose Times, and I strongly suggest you read them yourself. Everything she says makes sense.

Perhaps most of all, Madelina stands for one thing - taking the party back from Vendetta, BigAnt and their cronies. That's why you should vote for her.

So there you have it. Two candidates: one who wants to use TUP for his own and Vendetta's ends, and one who actually cares about the party. And so, for the sake of the TUP, I urge you to...


+++end of completely unbiased offical TUP transmission 🙂 +++