[VM71] The next step...

Day 2,421, 06:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by VoodooMike71

First of all, congratulations to every true TUP member who voted for Moriarty in the CP election at the weekend. Vendetta and BigAnt pulled every last dirty trick out of their bag (did you spot them changing the party name to "vote BigAnt" and the party logo to the Vendetta symbol? - You May Call Me V tried to excuse this by claiming the party had voted on it!), and yet they very nearly failed.

Others will write about how they managed to win (clue: you're likely to see the words "Serb" and "multi" quite a lot), but the bottom line is we got very close to helping win a famous victory.

Just watching the Vendetta kids squirm and panic when it looked like they were going to lose was worth all the effort in itself 😉

However, that battle was ultimately lost, so now it's time to move on the next one - winning control of TUP back from BigAnt and his hoard of minions.

Learn from our mistakes
The next PP election is in just seven days, and it's absolutely vital that we learn from the recent CP election.

To me, the biggest thing we need to avoid is a split vote. The way to avoid that is to not have too many candidates, and make sure we communicate and unite behind a single one. You could say that Moriarty's CP bid was sunk by the 50 or so votes that went to otherwise unsupported candidates - a couple of whom never stood a chance of winning. However, they split the vote and - to my mind - that damaged Moriarty more than BigAnt.

So, I propose that we stand behind a single candidate for the TUP PP, and then encourage all the true members of the TUP to do the same - whether it be through articles like this one, the TUP shoutbox, IRC or the eUK forum.

Who to support?
Simple - I suggest we support Madelina de Melrose

The reasons why I support Madelina are best expressed in her own manifesto (see links below). However, in short, Madelina stands for stability - which is exactly what I think the party needs after a month of BigAnt's nonsense.

Manifesto 1

Manifesto 2

What do we do now?
Firstly, we need to make sure that we agree on Madelina first - there's no point trying to unite behind a candidate if there's no consensus. However, time is short and we can't muck about, so we need to get this sorted pronto. I'd suggest we use the TUP shout box to sort this out, as everyone has access to it.

Once we've decided, it would be helpful if any other candidates who value winning the party back above any personal ambitions withdrew their candidacy. Let's get the party back first, then we can look at the different ideas different candidates will bring.

Finally, and most importantly - CAMPAIGN HARD! Use the shoutbox, IRC, the forum, personal messages, anything you like really to let ALL genuine TUP members know who to vote for to win the party back. You can guarantee BigAnt and his chums will be doing the same with all the people he's brought into the party - we need to do it for all those that were already here.

Moriarty's CP campaign proved that BigAnt isn't as well supported as he thinks he it. This is our chance to win the TUP back from Vendetta. Don't waste it!