[UK GOV] ~ Welcome to Strasbourg

Day 1,292, 16:27 Published in Portugal North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Keram10's pitiful attempt at a Strasbourg logo

Dear Citizens of Portugal,
Our two nations have been friends for nearly two years, half the lifespan of eRepublik, so when the addition of Portugal to the Strasbourg Treaty was suggested by Anna tolasi & Keram10, former MoFAs of France and the United Kingdom, we immediately were supportive. And now, a few weeks and congressional debates later, all three Strasbourg signatories have ratified Portugal's membership into our treaty of mutual friendship and cooperation. We happily welcome Portugal into membership of the treaty and hope that a new and even more fulfilling relationship can blossom between our two nations.

We would also like to take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to our friends and brothers France, Germany & Portugal, in the light of our recent article directed towards Poland. Attempting to heal old wounds with Poland does not equal an abandonment of our Strasbourg allies: our intention is to always honour any and all agreements held between ourselves and our Strasbourg friends, and we will continue to honour this agreement.

Welcome to Strasbourg Portugal o/

Caros Portugueses,

As nossas duas nações são amigas há quase 2 anos, metade do tempo de vida do eRepublik. Quando foi proposta a entrada de Portugal no tratado Strasbourg pela Anna tolasi & Keram10, antigos MoFA’s de França e UK respectivamente, nós apoiamos totalmente a candidatura.
Após algumas semanas e debates nos congressos os 3 países pertencentes ao tratado de Strasbourg aceitaram a entrada de Portugal no nosso tratado de protecção e cooperação mútua. Felicitamos a entrada de Portugal no tratado e esperamos que se forme uma nova e estreita relação entre os nossos 2 países.

Aproveitamos este comunicado também para reafirmar o compromisso com os nossos irmãos Franceses, Alemães e Portugueses, apesar do artigo dirigio à Polónia. A tentativa de cicatrizar “feridas velhas” com a Polónia não significa um abandono dos nossos aliados do tratado de Strasbourg: a nossa intenção é de honrar sempre todos os nossos compromissos com os países do tratado.

Bem-vindos ao tratado de Strasbourg Portugal ! o/

Thanks to Netforum for the translation.



UK Prime Minister