[無名報]叁叁刊:Ten days of mayhem

Day 3,607, 09:49 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by OMR.Ding

活動期間應該為 Day 3,615~3,624 (10/13~10/22)



“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender” - Winston Churchill

- 溫斯頓·丘吉爾

For 10 days, wise individual choices, insightful strategists and inspiring platoon leaders will be able to change the face of the new world well into its next decade.

During the event all the ground battles will require specific skills in order to maximize the damage of the soldiers, depending on the terrain the battle is fought on.


A citizen can boost their skills by choosing to use part of all of their current strength for a specific terrain type.


Based on their armies’ skills, country leaders will be able to choose the terrains the battles are fought on in order to maximize their damage.


Call your reservist friends back to arms and fight alongside once again for your country’s glory or your own profit!



Battles will be fought on 14 different terrain types based on the choice of the attacker military leaders (Country Presidents, Dictators, Ministers of Defense and Ministers of Foreign Affairs).



You can assign some or all of your strength points.
Assigning skill points can be done at any time as long as there is strength that was not assigned before (as after a training session).

In order to reset the skills you will need to use a special Skill Reset Token.
Each citizen will receive a number of complementary Skill Reset Tokens and a limited number of tokens will be available for purchase through the battlefield shop.
A token will reset all the assigned skills and the total strength of the player will be available for assigning once again.



The maximal skill the player can use depends of the division the player is fighting in as follows:


I = 10 × (1 + S/400) × (1 + R/5) × (1 + FP/100)

SD1 Max=20000
SD2 Max=25000
SD3 Max=30000
SD4 Max=40000
A division 2 player with 20000 strength can put all his skill into a single terrain type in order to maximize his chances at a Battle Hero Medal.
A division 3 player with 150000 strength and maverick pack can split his strength between 6 skills in order to optimize his chances of medals in divisions 1 and 2. Even if he has a skill of 25000 for a terrain when he is fighting in the first division only 20000 skill points will be use in the hit.
A division 4 player with 100000 strength can max 2 of his skills by assigning 40000 points to each and leave the remaining unassigned to use them if the need arise (as a massive combat order on a terrain he has no skill).


一個分區III的玩家擁有150,000力量及擁有maverick pack 並平均分配到6種地形來最大化他在分區 I 及 II獲取獎章的能力。

如果他分配了25,000點在某種地形上在分區 I 上 ,只有 20,000 點技能的 傷害被發揮出來。

Military rank points obtained while fighting are calculated based on the total strength of the player and all the ground fights during the event will benefit of a 100% bonus for military rank points. Military Rank bonuses such as the one in the War Stash will not be applied to those extra rank points.

在地面戰鬥所獲得軍銜點數仍取決於玩家的力量值,而在本次活動所獲得的地面軍銜點數會獲得額外的100%(空戰不會)。另外,活動所獲得的額外軍銜點數不會被War Stash累加。
(感謝yech 對此段提出修正)
During the event battles will become epic when the current damage of the battle is greater than the highest damage of the battles that ended in the previous 72 hours for the respective division.

If the highest damage of a division 1 battle that ended in the previous 72 hours is 10 millions and one or more division 1 battles in progress surpass that value all of them will become epic until the end of the battle. The one with the highest damage will set the new epic battle threshold for that division.


如果過去72小時內,分區 I 所造成的最高傷害是 十萬 傷害,而某個或是多個戰場超過這個值,而那些戰場都會在戰鬥結算結束之前都在史詩狀態。 最高傷害的戰場將會在該分區訂立新的史詩門檻。
During the event each True Patriot Medal will award 3 times as much currency.


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