[Sussudio Competition Article] Invasion in the UK

Day 2,408, 14:29 Published in Canada USA by please delete mee

Now, before we start, I have a picture for you.

Picture of the day!

Okay, now we can start. Here's the story!

One day, I was sitting in my house in rural Ontario, sipping on grape juice and listening to the radio. All was peaceful. It was sunny and cool. The wheat fields weren't on fire (that happened last week), the birds weren't having any pooping competitions on my windows (that was yesterday) and the neighbors weren't tossing rocks at my tractor (that was two weeks ago).

All of a sudden, a alarm sounded on the radio. "Attention all Canadian citizens. The invasion of the UK has started. Everyone, please head to the UK!" I ran to the laundry room, and pushed the washing machine over to the side. Underneath was a secret hatch. I opened it, jumped down and landed in the cockpit of my rusty plane (that's held together with duct tape), and turned the starter key. Suddenly, I had a sudden urge to go the bathroom and so I went.


Okay, I'm back. After my bathroom trip, I jumped down the secret hatch again (blah, blah, blah) and I was shortly in the air. I flew into the air and next thing I knew, I was asleep.

I woke up in the UK when I heard gunfire around me.

Quickly, I swerved away from the battle and started shooting as many tanks as I could. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Farther away, I saw Canadians fighting. Canada wasn't faring so good. My task was to land in Scotland, but the UK had pushed an offense and liberated it. The battle was over. Instead, I was to help in the battle at the Southwest of England. The UK had really pushed back and Canada was losing our footing. I continued shooting as many UK tanks as I could, (picture here)

but the gunfire was really getting thick. The only choice left was for me to land. Suddenly, a missile, fired from a bazooka, hit me. BOOM!

The well aimed shot destroyed my engine completely. It was all I could do to grab onto my seat and pray. Suddenly, my plane hit the ground, the windows shattered and all went black.

I woke up to the pain of a UK soldier kicking me. "Get up, Canadian. You're coming with us."

To be continued...in Part 2. I will continue this in the next round of the Sussudio competition (if I make it). See you next time!

UPDATE: Thanks to all readers, unfortunately my article did not win the competition. Nonetheless, I will be continuing the story in another exciting sequel soon!

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