[Sussudio] Antichrist [Day 2421]

Day 2,421, 12:44 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Before i start i just want to say if anyone ever gets a chance, go to your local library, and look for "How to read the Apocalypse" by Jean-Pierre Prevost
it is a good book about the whole revelation chapter and how to understand the complicated way John has written it. Not all of What follows is from this book, but there are some key points this book gives to support these claims.

Now we begin.

Throughout the bible the word "Woman" usually has reference to the word Church. An example is from Jeremiah:6:2 where it says "I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman". Note that the christian church is considered the "bride of Christ"(Ephesians 5:25-27, Corinthians 11:2 and Revelation 19:7-9 and 21:1,2) And in the bible the word Beast is: "These great beasts which are four, which are four kings (nations)." Now take into account this verse: I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast.(Rev. 17:3)

From the knowledge given to us from the bible, we are then able to say that a woman = church and beast = a nation. Now Daniel Verse 7:23 states that "The Fourth Kingdom Upon Earth, Shall be diverse from all kingdoms. Where on earth are church and nation combined as one? The Vatican in Rome.(Roman Catholic Church= Woman and Vatican city = beast.) also,Rev. 17:3 also states: I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast with seven heads. Revelations 17:9 declares that these seven heads are the seven mountains on which the woman sitteth. A Mountain can also be described as a hill. The Catholic church admits that "It is within the city of Rome called the city of seven hills, that the entire area of Vatican state is now confined."(Catholic Encyclopedia Page 529.)

Then on rev. 13:17,18 it states: The Number of the beast (nation) is the number of a man. and his number is six hundred threescore and six.(666) which means that there will be a man at the head of this nation that will have a name with a numeric value of 666 on it. (See: New York times July 7th 1929, in which I explain the connection between the church and the nation)

Now the truth is, all popes carry one name with them, from pope to pope they all inherit this name. it's name is VICARIUS FILII DEI which is Latin for: vicar of the son of god. convert VICARIUS FILII DEI into its roman numerical value and you get: VICARIUS=112 FILII=53 DEI=501 which added up together is oddly enough 666. Now there are many titles that popes are given and they too all add up to 666.

Rev 13:1 also states, "And i stood upon the sands of the sea and saw a beast rise from the see. having seven heads, and upon each head, the name of blasphemy. There are two definitions of blasphemy in the bible. 1: when a man claims he is god himself (John 1😇3) and When a man claims to have the ability to forgive sins and to do other godly deeds. (Luke 5:21) now does the pope claim to be a god on earth? In fact he does.

The Vatican Declares:" The roman pontiff judges all men, but is judged by no one. We declare, assert, define and pronounce: to be subject to the roman pontiff, is to every human creature, necessary for salvation that which was spoken of Christ Thou has subdued all things under his feet, may well seem verified in me. I have the authority of the king of kings, i am all in all and above all so that god himself and i, Vicar of god, have one consistory, and that i am able to do all that god can do. THE BULL UNAM SANCTAM ISSUED BY POPE BONIFACE VIII.

Does he claim to have the ability to forgive sins? That he also does.

Vatican also states: "The Judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin" The catholic encyclopedia Vol.12 Article "POPE" page 265.

Now Rev. 17:8 states : Behold The Beast That Was, And Is Not, And Yet Is.

Which means that this beast will be in power at one time, than was inactive and than was back in power.

Which history would show a nation as:
A nation that was in power at one time.
Is not in power at one time,
Yet is back in power.

The Vatican Was In Power,(Vigilius, ascended the papal chair "538 A.D" under the military protection of belisarius)History of christian church vol3 Page 327.

The Vatican Lost Its Power in 1789 when General Berthier made his entrance into Rome and abolished the papal government and established a secular one".

And The Vatican was restore😛

This morning there was another sovereign independent state in the world, Premier Mussolini and Cardinal Gasparri signed the sovereign independent state of Vatican city into existence.- NewYork times July 7th 1929

Which proves the statement made by revelation.
The Vatican Was In Power:538 - 1798
Is not a power:1798 - 1929
And yet was a power from 1929 - present.

Now i know this is a lot of information, but we are almost done.

Daniel 7:25 states "He shall think to change times and laws"

And yet again: "The pope has the power to change times and to abrogate (change) laws. (the pope can modify divine laws) - ferral ecclesiastical dictionary.
An example of this is when the Vatican abolished Saturday (last day of the week) and made Sunday(first day of the week) the "New Sabbath"

Not 1 part of the bible states that the sabbath be transferred from the last day to first.

Now, revelation 17:4 and in 18.16-17 says The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and decked with gold holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, and the impurities of her fornication.

In the book that i stated at the beginning of this post, it states that when the bible speaks of Babylon it doesn't actually mean Babylon, it means Rome. and since woman = church, the statement from 18.16-17 of rev would mean the woman is actually the church arrayed in purple and scarlet and decked with gold (pope's bishops wear purple, Cardinals Wear scarlet and they all wear a golden cross.)

This All leads to the pope and the Vatican as the source of the Antichrist.