[SSG] Saturday Update 4

Day 1,684, 08:40 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

Our Goal
To be precisely: My goal. SSG goal is to make as much as possible active member. I don't need zombies, i don't need people who wear this military unit uniform, but not joining the battle.
So far, we have at least 20-25 active member who joining the battlefield actively. We share last day kills as much as JNF, although our member is 1/3 their member.
To all member: Please fight at least in every 21 days. More than that, if you don't give me a reason (by PM, or post in feed), sorry but i must kick you.

SSG Top Fighter
I still need collect data from Akimi for last day screen capture. Top fighter will be announced soon, so stay tune.

Congress Election
Only one from six congressman who didn't answer my question. If you read this message, please answer.
Thank you to all voters. We have 6 congressman this month. Maybe it is smaller than last month, but i think this month congressman have more mouth to speak than last month.

Presidential Election
Still discussed it with SSG congressman, and our senior member. If you want to run from SSG, or need SSG help to support you for presidential election, please let me know.


SSG Commander, Party President, and Warrior