[SSG] Saturday Update 2

Day 1,670, 06:39 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
All SSG members should comment if you read this, even with the blank comment

2nd Commander
Akimi will be my 2nd Commander. I know her for so long time (Akimi and Zetsurin is my role model to claim my 1st Battle Heroes). She is my successor if i dead from this game.

I will distribute the weapon after posting at forums, at 9-12 PM JST. Feel free to contact me by PM in game, or buzz me in YM, if you didn't receive the weapon. More info about your distro: http://tinyurl.com/ssgdistro

Party President Election
Thank you for all voters. This is good indicator for congress election. Hope the next congress election will be better than last month.
For all member, i will PM you about congress candidacy. Please make sure about your active time in this game before run for congress. I want active member in congress who have time to debate, propose and vote the law in country administration.
My motto is: better have 2 active people than 100 zombies. Prove to the world, we are not medal hunter, we are active congressman!

Regiment Captain
Thank you for K0alAs and Karasu Loverock to takeover captain in 4th regiment and 5th regiment. Please resign your job as captain, and join 1st regiment. I will donate 1 Gold after you rejoin 1st regiment.
I will not close 4th regiment, because we have 2 member in that regiment, who can't move because nationality problem (this game restriction).
Unfortunately, there is no one who running for captain in 1st and 2nd regiment. Based from that, all regiment will follow my order for daily order.

Commander's problem
Well, since i am new for this job, and i don't know this game mechanic well, i want to apologize for all of you because my mistake. Next time, i will do better to serve you as your commander.
Battle priorities is set to:
1. Fight for eJapan
2. Fight for eFrance
3. Fight for eArgentina
4. Fight for eColumbia
5. Fight for eUSA.
Any ideas?

Play Time
This is about RL;
Wake up 8 AM JST, everyday
Working 10 AM-9 PM JST, Monday-Friday, 10 AM-3 PM JST, Saturday
Sleep: Around 12 PM JST
Feel free to contact me at that time
(JST: Japan Time, GMT+9)

