[Shawty's Perspective] Prepare for Winter

Day 4,338, 23:28 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear fellow citizens, 

As you probably noticed the days are turning colder, the sun gives us less sunlight and the weather and gloomy. These are the signs we have been waiting for! Winter is coming.

Winter in the world of eRepublik means a few things.

Every year we enjoy a special holiday event during halloween. Players from all over the world are able to collect pumpkins, candies and energy bars by doing x kills in a battle and ending in the top spots on the winning (and most years also losing side). Hallowwen is a time when Q7 weapons, ghostboosters and bazookas rule the battlefield.

eRepublik Anniversary
In the lomth November we celebrate the birthday of erepublik. During the birthday we're all given a special daily reward for the same number of days as erepublik is old. Make sure you login every day during this event or you will miss out on amazing prizes. Some of the prizes are huge energy centers, energy regeneration bonus, bombs, gold and stingers. Make sure you stocknup on food (prices will double!). If you have a lot of money left also stock up on weapons, you will need a lot of them if you are fogthing on the ground. When you run out of weapons it is adviced to fight in the air.

Black Friday
Discount day! During blsck friday you can upgrade your companies and buy new companies at a discount price. Also on discount are energy centers, packs and energy bars. Many playwrs save all their gold collected over the entire year and invest that gold on black friday.I myself plan to purchase some Q7 vompanies myself.

In the past this was an amazing event. In the present erepublik gives us something similar to halloween. We can win gift boxes which contain gold, candies and some other stuff to be given away to friends. Mostnof the times these gifts are bought by rich pack players and nee citizens can earn a lot of money selling them.

New Year
Not really an event in erepublik but we do wish each other a happy new year!

Stocknup on Food! Q7 Weapons and EBs! (Priority on food)

Yours truly,

Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces