[SFP] Vote Phil Harmony FTW

Day 3,585, 21:57 Published in USA USA by Citizen 8942290
Dear Comrades and Friends,

this Friday once again you will have the chance to decide who among the candidates should be the chairman of our great party: the Socialist Freedom Party. The most important thing is to VOTE!
So, today our leaving-PP, Maxwell Hanz published his closing article. During the last month we "went with the flow"; thanks to ultra-active Jimmy Cincinnati, party programs were running and thanks to high-energy Salty our primaries went smooth. Nothing more, nothing less. But the Revolutionary Committee (RevCom) didn't have much work to do, nothing was initiated and most disappointing: we still didn't put our "official" Discord channel under RevCom control (more about Discord later). On the other side: it was a peaceful term, everything was functioning. Thank you Max, but sorry to say: I've expected much more from you.
So where do we go from here?

At this moment we have 7 candidates running for the PP seat. That's a lot for a party that has less then 100 members. But only 2 other candidates took their run seriously and released campaign-articles. First one was J.A.Lake. Lake came back just recently, after a long absence. I love it when old members show up again, but it was a surprise to me that his ambition was to take the lead right away. In his article, where he announced his candidacy (he wrote one other article before that, a historical overview of his e-life until now), he called for "reforms". While I was fine with his plan to re-invigorate our media (that is very active anyway), I was shocked to read what his "reforms" are about!
Lake wants to re-write our Constitution. He then wants to put the Revolutionary Committee out of power, by a so-called Perestroika (and we know how that went well in the USSR) in order to establish a more centralized and less democratic body of governance, namely the Central Committee.
I have already stated my views and opinions about this kind of plan in the comments of his article, but have to once again make my point very clear:
Our Constitution was written by our founding fathers, it is our legacy and our guiding light! While I don't have anything against new legislation, if adopted through a democratic process and voted into being by the RevCom, and of course after a serious debate, I will not let some punk destroy the foundation of the SFP!
I will defend our Constitution now and always! And we are not even using our Constitution to the full extend; it give every member the possibility to do amazing things, bring ideas forward and have impact on our politics and policies. As a closing statement regarding this issue, I'll say the following:

Glory to Osmany Ramon - our foundation
Glory to Phoenix Quinn - our inspiration
Glory to TheNorm - our regeneration
Glory to PilotPhil - our liberation

Dear revolutionary brothers and sisters,
if you will honor me and vote me into office, I will be only your Party President for the month. Because it is this ways how we operate. I'm only one among many: by our Constitution we, the SFP, have a collective governing body, the RevCom. I am delighted to present you the voting members I have chosen and will be most proud to be their chairman. Here they are:

Most of them are well known to all of you, some are new and upcoming (like Chris, another outspoken PP candidate). Be assured these people have knowledge, are highly active and will be an awesome group on the steering wheel of our party!

Now, what are my plans?

I want us to get more interconnected with other parties. I will be open to every party or party-leadership in the eUSA. But first and foremost: I am looking to re-establish a close relationship with our brothers from the Black Sheep Party. The communication stagnated during the last two month and this makes me sad. We share many viewpoints and our common ground is the same: honesty and freedom! We need do find a way how to become equal partners for the benefit of our community! This also means taking the reign away from the power-hungry double-faced pig-disgusting elitist gang and establishing a new executive that will lead our e-country out of this servitude to foreign powers!
This is a bold goal. But I believe America is ready to take a new path towards a more honest, more open, more transparent and more just government. Aren't we all sick and tired of looking at the same people being in control for ages? eUSA is a joke on the international scene: we flip-flop, let allies down, take loads of tax-funds from the people and give "peanuts" back. We can do better! SFP knows better! Let's give it a shot!
Another project mine was to organize an International Socialist Congress. The aim is to gather party-leaders and members of left-leaning parties across the e-world and host a weekend of debates and meetings. This is what many of our former leaders were asking for: to create a network of freedom loving individuals not limited by game rules or mechanics, people who want to make changes on a global scale, based on the principles of solidarity without borders. I regard this primarily as an international think-tank, a gathering of socialists, communists, anarchists - revolutionaries! If we do it right, a network will come into existence, that will unite progressive political forces worldwide, increase communication among socialist-leaning parties and help us advance faster and advance more, in each country, in each community, everywhere! I believe that NOW is the right to make this happen. The originally idea was to invite everyone to our Discord channel. But here we have a big problem!

We need a truly official Discord channel!

Let me tell you a story about our current "official" Discord. The "owner" is Dylan, also known as "Goddess" and in game as YaGirlDaMoney (or was it YaBoi?). He acts like it's his private business. It's sad to see that not even our current party president Max has any power or saying there. Dylan uses this channel to promote his gay-vegetarian fascist agenda (you get "jailed" if you say bacon is delicious, imagine that). This is unacceptable. Furthermore, he is known to give his elitist-piggy-friends a platform to poison the minds of our members frequenting there. Administrators of this Diascord are "elected" by strange procedures, "rules" are selectively applied and double standards are common. For example: when someone calls me a c**t, nothing happens. But when I call that same person a b**ch, I get removed, jailed, kicked or banned - you name it.
If you take a look at those many hit-pieces Dylan has written about me, you'll get the picture. And this is the same Dylan that was coming to SFP days before congress elections and then, after being elected, went straight back to his "puppet-master" in that "cocktail party". The puppet masters have changed, but the game remains the same.
I have asked for control over this channel in the past, demanding that our RevCom should be established as authority there. No success.
Even worse: the channel is a gathering of foreign e-agents, thieves and liars (yes Khorek, I'm talking about you) who use it to spread forgeries, disinformation and pig-disgusting propaganda of the nastiest kind.
We need to resolve this quickly. My plan would be: either our party, the RevCom is put in charge of OUR Discord, or we create a new, truly official SFP Discord, where things are done according our established orders and rules, as written in our Constitution.
I will not let this to continue. Pig-disgusting propaganda will take place somewhere else! There won't be double-standards. The rules of Discord will be applied. Only the Party leadership will have a saying and only the RevCom will rule over it, be in charge.

Dear members of the SFP,
I hope I have convinced you that I'm your best choice in Friday's election. I hope you can identify with the goals I've outlined and I hope you'll decide to cast the vote for me. I will be there for you, I won't hesitate to use my own funds to help out where help is needed and it will be my privilege and utmost honor to become your next Party President (for the 3rd time, because there's the charm). I will be active, conduct the business transparent and have always an open ear for everyone - I will be always just a message away!
I salute all members of the SFP with a promise I will keep:



Yours truly
Phil Harmony