[SFP] Derphoof for CP

Day 4,337, 00:18 Published in USA Pakistan by Seeker of Sand

Soon our country will have a new president because elections are today. So go out and vote.

Our comrade zRTx has worked hard for our nation and deserves a big thank you!

Will there be another term for a SFP member as CP?

Yes, for sure and you can help. 🙂

Our comrade Derphoof is running for CP.
He wrote several articles about his plans and for sure his plans are good.

At early times the chances for Derphoof to win are looking good. 🙂

Read more about Derphoof's plans here.

Derphoof is also supported We The People, Constitution Party and American Military Party so Derphoof is supported by a big part of eUSA. That is a promising start.

Vote Derphoof for CP!