[Seanan] How to get a Babyboom

Day 1,644, 08:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary


I'm back with another suggestion; Babybooming by creating a decent forum.

Your likely reaction to such genius

Well, my sharp eyed friends, I think it is entirely possible. But before I say exactly what I am suggesting, lets take a good look at what is stopping a babyboom:

✯ No money for doing anything babyboom-ish with.
✯ No one wants to recommend erepublik to their friends
✯ rl Ireland hasn't got a large pool of players to sell the game too.

>We don't have any money because no one wants to donate; FAIR ENOUGH.

>Don't wanna recommend? I live in the UK, so my silence is a service. However, I still understand why people might not want to tell people about the game:
1) Its shite.
2) "Hey yeah, this game erepublik.. you can create an alter-ego, get involved in politics and battle your enemies in glorious clickie combat. I'm captain in the best military unit in the world :3" GOODBYE FRIENDS, HELLO MANY CATS
3) Awkwardness.

>Safe sex campaigns have done wonders to destroy the bored, jobless teen population for us to recruit. Lets just hope they put tuitions fees up again. THATS LIFE.

Create a forum which houses multiple online games for Irish players.
Why have a forum just for erepublik? Other browser games? What about Xbox, PS3, Steam groups etc?

Marcus currently has an un-used forum which currently has two online games house😛
I probs should of just given a link.

I've got a few erepublik players on xbox live. Before now, members of the community got together to play Supremacy. You know, we're all gamers of something else. So lets bring it all together and create an Irish gaming hub. Without a doubt, there will be crossover from other games and platforms into erepublik. Get 'em by association!

✯ Would you feel better about recommending a gaming forum to a friend?
✯ On Skyrim has anyone actually completed the Thieves Guild Quest? I mean once you get the skeleton key, you just feck off with it.
✯ Online gaming such as xbox and PS3 is nowadays an acceptable social activity (Dated a media student, she told me that. Still a dosh subject though). Crazy kids, but creating a forum which reflects that would be clever.
✯ Hell add a music section. All that. Just a hub for Irish entertainment. Anyone heard of George Barnett? Up da Pirate!

I'm not so sure about rules about advertising on forums and money.. BUT if you get enough people on a forum, I assume you can get money off it? Either way, I think this idea could work if we create a forum which is easy on the eyes and we can get ourselves motivated enough just to go on it.

P.S. If you managed to miss my very long and very boring suggestion on improving the Free Tank Scheme, you can find it here.

P.S.S For Hateful