[Royal Navy] FIGHT GREEN!

Day 628, 04:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy


Anyway, as you may have noticed, the eUK is in the grip of a civil media war. Some articles tell you to fight GREEN, some RED. Some ads tell you that PEACE GC has made a deal with Canada and wants you to fight for Canada and hence, RED, but ads from many influential citizens including Dishmcds (ex-UK President, and holder of many Cabinet positions) telling you to fight GREEN.

So what should you do? Follow Hassan, your president’s advice and fight GREEN, or follow American and EDEN advice and fight RED?

The answer is, of course, fight GREEN. People who tell you to fight RED are enemies of the state. Hassan’s account was not hacked as rumours suggest, and nor was this one.

The enemy forces are deliberately misleading our population, trying to trick us into fighting their battles and fighting against our own countrymen. They stoop this low in their humiliatingly desperate attempt to win futile victories that will achieve nothing for them.

The battles are in Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and finally New Brunswick. Look at all three of these battles, look at which one has the most negative damage, and fight in that one.

What the Americans, Romanians, Swedes, Croatians and many others are trying to do is turn the tides of this great World War we fighting against. They are trying to fight against us, against PEACE GC. But they are failing so they resort to dirty tactics. Some of you may have had sympathy for these people when this war began. But do you share the same sympathy? Do you sympathise with the traitors trying to trick and beguile you? I thought not.

So pick up a weapon, or fight with your fists. Because as long as we fight together, we shall not fail. As long as we are the eUK, we shall not fall to our ex-colonies in North America and their vicious allies.

Every attack helps, even if you feel the odds are useless, never give up hope. The government will not let our lands fall into enemy hands.

So remember, FIGHT GREEN

Thank you,
UK Congressman
Royal Navy Commodore