[RockPaperScissors] Season 1 ~ Let the Games Begin!

Day 2,469, 05:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

So, after two days of signups the eUK’s first Rock Paper Scissors league is ready to get under way! The ten players who will compete for a prize fund of over 15,000cc are:

To briefly go over the format of the competition again, the competitors will play each other twice, making for a total of 18 rounds of matches. Each round will last for a maximum of 48 hours, or until all the matches have been played.

Players should get in touch with each other to arrange a time to play each other, and then let us know when you will be playing the match through the mass-message which will be set up as soon as all friend requests are accepted.

All RPS matches will be played in the #RockPaperScissors IRC Channel

If a match is not played by the 48hour deadline, both players will receive 1 point, unless one player has gone inactive or is avoiding playing the game. In this occasion the player who is active will receive 2 points and the inactive player gets nothing.

If a player is inactive for three fixtures or more, they will be pulled from the competition and their record expunged from the table (players who won against that player will have their points removed).

So, without further ado- the first set of fixtures:

These games have to be played by 1pm BST on the 26th of August (05:00 eRep Time, Day 2471)


3 of the first round's games have now been played, with Chaz, SerFartsalot and Stenem all winning their first game. ACroc gets one point for winning one of the rounds in his defeat to stenem.

So, let the games begin! You have 48 hours