"Yes, finally!"

Day 1,672, 12:39 Published in Australia Netherlands by lancer450

Hello eAustralia and hello to rest of the eWorld,

Per the request of the wonderful Miss Wolf, here is my thank you article full of screenshots and pretty pictures. 😉

Here are the captured moments as I waited for what I believed to be impossible for the longest time –

“I started off by shouting and heckling some friends on IRC. Sorry guys.” 😛

“At this point, I was nearly having a seizure or a stroke… I can’t tell which.” 😉

“With this wave of energy and excitement, I kept clicking back and forth between the homepage and my newspaper. I almost broke my freakin’ mouse in the process!” xD

“And here is when the orgasmic moment arrived!!!” LOL! 😉

I remember when I first began eRepublik, I thought becoming a media mogul would be the toughest thing to accomplish in my eLife – even more difficult than becoming CP. It still hasn’t sunk in that I’ve finally done it – WE have done it!

Even though I’ve been pulled in many directions in my eLife – from the political module to the military module and even other countries to make new friends and enjoy myself – the one thing that never leaves is the community. The eAustralian community and the eWorld have some of the greatest and funniest people and I appreciate all whom I’ve met along the way and hope to continue to make even more friends.

I would just like to thank all of my friends as well as the strangers who have subbed my newspaper since I began nearly a year ago. I am sincerely grateful, from the bottom of my eHeart. I want to thank all of those who shouted and helped me achieve this goal today! Thank you all!

Stay classy and, as always, best regards,
