[Q America] The IES and the Need For More Discipline

Day 3,720, 08:08 Published in USA USA by King James88
The IES and the Need For More Discipline

A fellow SFP member Johnny Cooper Edwards II violated immigration rules and approved citizens illegally. As a member of the SFP who did this also on my original account but for different reasons I was not aware of the IES rules, it is no no to do such a thing. Again this keeps happening. Yes whether he did it on his own or not I agree the SFP is to be held accountable. This tarnishes a party when its trying to do good and this only takes the party one step backwards.

For anyone that is a new citizen please read the eUSA immigration rules and get educated so you don't get caught in the trap: eUSA Immigration Regulations

What exactly are we going to have to do to stop this from happening again and again? Build Trump's border wall and make eMexico pay for it? eUSA surely has no DACA program and a deal can't be made here with the ruling majority.

So here is my proposal to improve the IES:

SFP I know the IES rules are unpopular but the rules stand as is and not changing anytime soon. Unless you have an idea to improve it please do speak up. That also goes for all parties in the eUSA. Look no further how we got here which was before my time in eREP on eUS Citizen Ronald Gipper Reagan. Let's get disciplined and under control so another incident doesn't occur. As a fellow SFPer I am one that will stand up to make sure everyone follows the rules.