[Press Release] Pakistan State Dept Future Plans

Day 749, 10:59 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
Pakistan State Department
Press Release

Citizens Of Pakistan,

First of all I would like to congratulate everyone who voted for BGBW and elected him as the president of the country, we have alot to accomplish in coming few months for our beloved country.

Our focus of foriegn policy will include maintaining good relations with all our neighbours and helping our allies around world by establish good economic and military relations with them.

Since I need a staff to do all this i am appointing two deputy secretaries.

Deputy Secretary of State - Casee (Focusing on Europe, South America & North America)
Deputy Secretary of State - Ishaqueghani (Focusing on Asia)

If you have any foreign policy related questions you can ask me or any of the above two individuals.

Our Press Release in Persian to our neighbors in Iran
Our Press Release to our Sol friends in Japan
Our press release to our friends in China

Secretary of State
Ahsan Shahbaz