[PotUS] Regarding the Air Force

Day 1,759, 15:38 Published in USA USA by Israel Stevens

My fellow Americans,

You may have noticed that the Senior Officer Corps of the Air Force have resigned their position, effective immediately. I will admit to being as surprised as you are. I was informed of the decision in the exact same way that you were: the article.

I am going to take a break from the political rhetoric, and saying what I am ‘supposed’ to say for a bit here.

I think that ultimately, this is the best move for both Roper and the Air Force. The relationship between Roper and the various Secretaries of Defense and Presidents, had deteriorated to a point where it was non-existent. It was like being in a toxic relationship with a girl, where no matter what the other side did, it was resented. You could bring this girl flowers and chocolate, and she’d hate you because you didn’t get the right flowers.

There was the feeling in the government, that the Air Force Command was not performing up to the standards they should be.
The feeling in the Air Force was that the government wasn’t doing enough to help the Air Force, and not giving it any respect.

Both of those things are true to various extents, and there are many people responsible for how we got here. No one party is in the right, and that should be remembered. I have my fair share of blame to shoulder with how the creation of Rogue Squadron was handled. I was under the assumption that Air Force Command was being kept abreast of the creation of a new Branch, when in fact that was not true. They knew bits and pieces, but most of it came as a surprise to them. I have apologized profusely to Roper for this, but it is in vain. To him, I’ll always be the bad guy.

But despite the failings of the government, all was not right with the Air Force. Their Command was by far the hardest to work with. If you weren’t in their inner circle, you were a nobody. They were incredibly resistant to change, or input, or advice. But yet, they gladly scooped up the money offered to them. Especially when it was extra money meant for expanding their Weapons Raw Materials production.

I think Roper and company will be happier in a MU not affiliated with the Government, and I think that the Air Force will be better served with a new General. I wish him and his friends the best of luck in their new MU.

I am however, extremely disappointed with their inability, or lack of desire to communicate their problems with the government. A simple message would have sufficed.

Myself and many of the Senior Officers would like to talk with you. We’re very unhappy, and are considering resigning from our positions. -Roper

A message like that could have prevented this. It would have been the professional, and courteous thing to do. The former Air Force Command talked about wanting respect, but yet they don’t show any to the President or the Secretary of Defense.

Even if sending a message, asking to talk was too much for them, the professional, and courteous thing to do, would have been to hand over supplies, communes, and Budget money before publicly resigning. The only thing that resigning in the middle of the night does is screw over the rank and file of the Air Force.

It seems to me that this was never about the soldiers in the Air Force. It was about the feelings of a handful of Senior Officers. It is truly unfortunate.

Where do we stand presently?

creitzell has been promoted to the rank of General, and Commanding Officer of the Air Force, and he has promoted emdoublegee and Dr Luis Sentieiro to the position of Executive Officer.

Although Roper and company did not hand over the budget and supplies before they resigned, they have done so at this point. I would like to sincerely thank them for that. The Military Unit is no longer in their control, something else that they should be thanked for. The communes were not owned by any Air Force personnel, so those were never in danger.

The only thing remaining to be turned over by Roper, is the money that he was given to upgrade the Air Force’s Weapons Raw Materials companies. $1.075 Million was given to him in the final days of President Evry’s term, and another $1 Million was given to him during President Civil Anarchy’s term. Of that sum, about $550k has been returned.

The Air Force used that money to purchase 105 Weapon Raw Materials Companies. All of which are held by the officers that left. There were also Storage units purchased, but those are not recoverable.

I trust that the former Senior Officers of the Air Force will return this property. They have been very accommodating thus far, and I have faith that they will not want to tarnish their exit from the United States Armed Forces.

In closing, I would like to thank the many people that stepped up this morning, creitzell, john nwp, emdoublegee, TTi09, as well as a host of others.

I would also like to wish Roper and the rest of the Senior Officers the very best on their new endeavors. Good luck, and thanks for your time in the United States Armed Forces.

To the rest of the Air Force, thank you for your patience in this matter. We are working as fast as we can to repair the damage done. We’ve made huge strides already today.

I have enormous faith in the men and women of the Air Force, and I know that although these events test their resilience, they will continue to live by the motto of the Air Force:

★ Aim High ★