[POTUS] Candor: The Iron Dictator we need

Day 1,895, 20:05 Published in USA USA by Candor

Pants Administration Application

We interupt this broadcast to announce that pop George has been chosen to be the Personal Press Secretary to The President effective immidiately. All requests for interviews will have to be scheduled through Mr. George.

Mr. George is a well respected member of society, a valued NoS Nation (and Dive Bar) citizen, and a true master of all things communication.

We (in the Royal meaning) have all confidence in his dedication to Party and pants.

Congratulations Mr. George.

Pants Administration Application

Hello. My name is Candor and I'm running for President of The United States.

I'm not a member of any Top 5 party, I'm a member of the wholly Independent NoS Nation (and Dive Bar).

I'm running in the General Election utilizing the mechanical laws of eRepublik.

If I win, I will have a diverse Cabinet representing all the major parties of the nation, as well as folks from the minor parties.

If I win I will do everything in my power to restore 10/10 bonuses ASAP.

If I win I will be beholden to no one nor any particular party.

Pants Administration Application

I will answer only to pants.

If I win, I will do everything in my power to actively recruit citizens from all the nations of the world, growing our MU's, growing our tax base, and regaining our Superpower status in the world.

To that end, I will promote the restoration of citizenship allocation to the mechanically endowed Congressmen who control such powers.

If I win, I will evaluate our continued association with CoT, with an eye towards respecting our stalwart and traditional allies. The people, you, will be expected to weigh in on this and all future alliances.

But our allies will know we stand with them, no more bull.

Again, the nation will be involved in my Administration.

All Party Presidents are invited to recommend folks from their parties for positions or representation with my Administration.

Pants Administration Application

I'm tired of the Unity Wars, it's time to move forward as a diverse nation, together.

Join me, and together we shall rule the world!

Or my pants.

But we'll do it together.

Dutifully Submitted,

Pants Administration Application

Do you play eRepublik for fun? Join us in world domination and dominos:

May the pants be with you, always.