Positive Politics

Day 1,972, 12:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

Some of you may know some of you may not I have returned to this game after a long break and may not be able to commit myself the way I used to back when I was around however I will try to contribute in whatever way I can. I have been analyzing the current media and saw a couple of articles which encouraged me to write an article.

Disclaimer: This article is from neutral point of view.


ePakistan has been a political circus ever since I started playing this game. Endless debates and two groups battling with each other to gain power. This is probably the beauty of democracy or not. We all have in one way or another contributed in keeping this circus running.

Doing positive Politics

The politics can be both positive and negative depends on how we use and what our ultimate goal is. Reaching the destination for betterment of ePakistan should be the objective in minds of eLeaders not personal ambitions, However politics often leads to useless debates and arguments on which energies are spent which could have been used somewhere else to be more productive. Sometimes political debates happen because one group believes that power is in the hands of a single group who is very dominant and hence the country is being run as dictatorship and not as a democracy. Which may sometimes be true but sometimes it is a matter of perception.

Side effects of Power

With power comes responsibility, however the side effects of power is the urge to control and to remain in power. I think we have enough real life examples to prove that. Successful leaders are those who use the power with responsibility and not personal ambitions.

How to use Power with Responsibility

It is not rocket science you just need to be accountable to people who you serve the best way to start is by being more vocal about the efforts in media. Have an unbiased approach towards all political factions when you are in position of power. Favouring certain groups often alienates those who are not favoured. The argument to defend this from those in powers is that a particular group is evil. Which is a matter of perception, we have all heard the quote that "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".


There are heroes and villains in every society but that is about perception and nothing more. I have been a preacher of unity and in true sense unity is the ultimate road to glory. We need to be united on goals that we want to achieve, difference of opinion may exist on how to reach those goals and that is what democracy is all about

Long Live Pakistan