[ORION] Damage Report

Day 3,906, 00:48 Published in Canada Portugal by Orion HQ

Greetings, citizens of Orion

the event League of Allies has ended, and in HQ, we wanted to use this opportunity to see, how much were the citizens of ORION active during this event, and who are the best representatives of each country. Therefore, we bring you another issue of Damage report!

First we will look at Top Damage in all Divisions. Three TOP places were collected by Estonia, one by Israel. In D1, D2 and D3 Cuba also had an incredibly strong presence, while D4 was dominated by Canadians.

In the Air, Estonia also has the biggest amount of pilots (7), although onrop from Israel outdamaged them all. The least amount of pilots is in Cuba (only 2), other countries managed to get between 3 and 4 pilots each.

And now the Total Damage in Tank and Air. To compare the data better, we have collected the damage from previous three months, when three important events happened - war in Estonia, ORION Games and League of Allies. You can see on the graphs, how much damage changed on these specific weeks in comparison with standard damage. Especially noticeable is the increase of overall air damage in all countries.

P.S. 1: Israel damage is counted from the moment they entered ORION as trial member.

P.S. 2: The graph is inverted, meaning the newest data is on LEFT and oldest on the RIGHT. Blame the author of the article, who cannot use Excel properly 😃 !

And this is all from today's report. We hope to see you soon in the next article!
