[NZ MoFA] : Starting a new month !(ENG and SRB)

Day 1,539, 11:26 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by The Awesome Sorena

Hi everybody !

Well this month i'm officially in the MoFA team ,last month i was mofa for a week but there was nothing to do with foreign affairs.(thanks to Helen and Ronell) .

So first ill give you a list of the MoFAs of this month and then ill have some things to say !

-Sor3na (IRC nick : Sor3na)
-rapidgirl (IRC nick : mitro)
-Milanovic Nikola (IRC nick : Milanovic_Nikola )

and our channel :

-#nz.mofa (on Rizon)

i'd be happy to answer all of your questions that you ask me via PM ingame and IRC !Or if you have any information that might help ,we'd be really thankful if you share that with us !

We set goals for ourselves and we'll do our best to make them happen !I want to talk about these goals !

1-Keeping our old friends :

Well as you know ,we've been having hard days in the last 3 4 months. During this time ,we found our true friends who stand with us and helped us to keep our regions .We couldn't keep our regions without them .

2-TW with Australia :

We're gonna keep the TW with Australia going ,so we can use the NE bounses.Do NOT waste your money for those wars until the MoD tell you so .Use your FF and if we were winning ,help allies !I'm sure MoDs will give you more information about this topic !

3-ONE :

We're a member of ONE ,and as you know right now ,our allies are having problems ,so it's the time to help ONE back (as they did help us a lot).We will trying to be more united with ONE and Pro.ONE countries .This month we want to start a new term in our brotherhood !More information will be published soon !

i was thinking ,maybe you guys need our allies official channel .

ONE : #one.public
Iran : #IrArmy
Serbia : #eserbia
Macedonia : #Emkd
Poland : #epl
Slovenia : #eSlovenia
Sweden : #erepublik.se
United.Kingdom : #euk
Indonesia : #ERepIndo
Hungary : #erephu

4-Ambassadors :

We really like to know more about our allies ,their intrest and everything .We really appriciate it if you can and want to help us in this way .
Fill https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dEg4cUkyU1lQYUlkdFBRVUNDWDJNeHc6MQ#gid=0

Ill publish more articles this month ,about all the events around the world ,specially our country and our allies !

Thanks for your time !

(Serbian version ,Translated by Milanovic Nikola

Ovog meseca sam zvanično u MoFA timu. Proslog meseca sam bio MoFA na nedelju dana ali ništa ije bilo potrebno da se uradi po pitanju spoljnih poslova (zahvaljujući Helen i Ronell-u).

Dakle, prvo ću vam predstaviti MoFA tim za ovaj mesec a onda ću reći neke stvari!

-Sor3na (IRC nick : Sor3na)
-rapidgirl (IRC nick : mitro)
-Milanovic Nikola (IRC nick : Milanovic_Nikola )

i naš kanal:

-#nz.mofa (na Rizonu)
Rado ću odgovoriti na sva pitanja koja mi postavite preko PM-a u igri i na IRC-u ! Ako imate neku informaciju koja može pomoći, bili bismo vam veoma zahvalni ako je podelili sa nama!

Postavili smo sebi ciljeve i potrudićemo se da ih ostvarimo! Želim da kažem nešto o tim ciljevima!

1-Zadržavanje starih prijatelja:
Kao što znate, imali smo veoma teške dane poslednja 3-4 meseca. Tokom tog vremena, našli smo prave prijatelje koji su stali uz nas i pomogli nam da zadržimo naše regije koje ne bismo uspeli da zadržimo bez njih.

2-TW sa Australijom:
Zadržaćemo TW sa Australijom tako da možemo iskoristiti NE bonuse. NE BACAJTE vaš novac na ove ratove sve dok vam MOD ne kaže da to uradte. Koristite vaš FF, a ako pobeđujemo pomognite saveznicima! Siguran sam da će MoD-ovi dati više informacija o onoj temi!

Mi smo član ONE saveza, i kao što znate, naši saveznici imaju probleme u ovom trenutku, tako da je vreme da pomognemo ONE-u (kao što su oni nama puno pomogali). Pokušaćemo da budemo ujedinjeniji sa ONE i Pro.ONE zemljama. Ovog meseca želimo da započnemo nov termin u našem bratstvu. Više informacija će biti objavljeno uskoro!
Mislio sam, možda vam je potreban zvanični kanal naših saveznika.
ONE : #one.public
Iran : #IrArmy
Serbia : #eserbia
Macedonia : #Emkd
Poland : #epl
Slovenia : #eSlovenia
Sweden : #erepublik.se
United.Kingdom : #euk
Indonesia : #ERepIndo
Hungary : #erephu

Zaista želimo da znamo više o našim saveznicima, njihove intereste i sve ostalo. Veoma bismo cenili ako možete da nam pomognete na taj način.
Popunite ovu formu ako ste zainteresov : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dEg4cUkyU1lQYUlkdFBRVUNDWDJNeHc6MQ#gid=0

Sor3na ,
06 feb 2012 !