[NBS-se] Web redisign and search by name

Day 677, 11:09 Published in Serbia Spain by Zhunder

Hi everyone, Im the webmaster of Neat Battle Stats and want to tell you the recent updates of the page. This is my last day of vacation and my free time is going to be reduced, so dont expect more updates soon.

For those who dont know what Im talking about, visit the web before continuing:


There has been a redesign of the web as you can see and there's not much to tell about this. The web is now tidier and different pages are now gathered is a menu below the title.

The most important thing is you can now search for your performance at every battle in which you have fought. Along with the information of every battle you can see your number, damage and average damage of your fights and the side you fought. You can search for everybody else performance of course, so if you have fought against your country you are in trouble man, everybody can find out! 😛

I hope you find this updates useful and enjoy it!