[MoI] OFFICIAL: Pacific Rim Pact

Day 1,756, 15:31 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof



As seen here, Canada and Indonesia have joined forces for great justice! The great relations between Canada and Indo CP TemujinBC has culminated in a mighty merging of forces between the two great nations. Why you say? World Domination! What else?!

Okay, well maybe not world domination but ASIAN DOMINATION. We see this Can-Indo pact as a step in a new direction. One Direction as some may say. A direction focused on the advancement of our two great nations. A direction of expansion. A direction of manifest destiny. A direction of GLORY. Canadian values and glory must be imposed on all those who have not experienced it. Why? Simple. Because we are better than you and we know what is best for you. We know what is best for the game, which is getting away from the Balkans and Europe. What better place to go, than somewhere they have no desire to play? Our Asian investments will be safe and the people will tremble under our totalitarian hand as we unleash giant moose across the land and drench the people in maple syrup.

Soon we will march! Prepare your anus Asia. We will not stop, no matter how much you beg and plead. We’ve eyed your resources and your land for quite some time. It just sits there, festering in its Asian-ness. Complacent. Boring. Unimportant. We plan to make it important again. At least to us anyways. All your base will belong to us.

We do not care about you or your people. We do not care about your sovereignty. This is a game, get over it. If you don’t like it, LEAVE. If you don’t leave, you will suffer our wrath. Our swift, mighty hand will come over your land like the mighty arctic wind. You will be chilled to the bone as you watch our armies purge your land, kill your families and rule over you with authoritarian might. There will be blood.

May Dio have mercy on your souls, for we shall have none.

Minister of Information

(Disclaimer: This is a LULZ Article. For those who don't know, we have absolutely no way of attacking ASIA. Although we have gotten an MPP with Indo)