[MoFA] Training War with New Zealand [Day 3,214]

Day 3,214, 10:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by LittleFishy

Dear eIrish Citizens! Dear allies and friends of eIreland!

eIreland and eNew Zealand have started a Training War. The leadership of both countries have agreed on the following processes:

Step 1
eNew Zealand attacks Dublin, eIreland keeps the territory (NZ loses)

Step 2
eIreland attacks Louth, eNew Zealand keeps the territory (eIre loses)

And it goes on and on until new orders.
Future processes will be released as soon as they become relevant.

Keep in min😛
No RW's will be opened on our part, and our TAXES should be returned every 7 days starting with day 3217.

In order to achieve our goal, please follow the above mentioned combat orders!

For now TP fight here:


This article will be updated when changes happen. Stay tuned.

MoFA of eIreland