[MoFA] Day 1

Day 2,086, 18:23 Published in Denmark USA by MazzyCat

Kitty here! Reporting in for duty. The Valeyard and I will be your MoFA’s for the month. We shall be serving up delightful dishes of happenings around the eworld, and more. For today’s delight (as well as all week!) we bring you your cabinet.

August 2013 eDenmark’s Cabinet

President ilphen
Vice President and eternal Queen of Denmark Maine Coon
First Lady Wea
Minister of Labor pho3nix
Minister of Communication - Kristian Klausen
Minister of Finances - pho3nix, Sasori5
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Mazzy Cat, The Valeyard
Minister of Defense - n0s3, Libertas33
Minister of Education Percival Dumbledore
Minister of Foxism - AlexMCS182
Rumor has it that Percival Dumbledore might also be the Minister of Magical Affairs as well, but as a kitty I am not too sure about such things.

All are excited and looking forward to serving you and all of eDenmark this upcoming month. Do not hesitate to contact someone with any questions you might have.

I thought it might be nice to give a few details on each Department. Just in case you have a question - this may help guide you onto the right path.

Department of Labor - Handling all that is work along with the amazing Welfare Program.

Department of Communication - Keeps you up to date on all that is Denmark.

Department of Finances - Handling eDenmark’s money in style.

Department of Foreign Affairs - Foreign Diplomats making their way worldwide.

Department of Defense - WAR! And peace.

Department of Foxism - Being Foxy.

Department of Education - Helping ebabies grow old and wise.

If you want to get involved we are always looking for more ambassadors. Get to know new and exciting people around the eglobe. Just send The Valeyard a message and let him know. I am also looking for a person to help me with translations. Depending on the happenings in the eworld - this could be a full time job.

Kitty out!
