[MoF] Budget Status

Day 1,290, 05:23 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

Budget status

Belgium just reached the mark of 40000 BEF monthly income for the first time! Fixed expenditures are 29000 BEF monthly (2 alliances, the Army and the FNCP allowance). This leaves a policy margin of 11000 BEF. The current policy is stocking up reserves.

Reserves are at a four-month high: 117000 BEF and 1547 gold.

The Congress Donations are flowing in – only one outspoken congress member declined to donate until now. Historical data, next budget deadlines and current status are in the Belgian Accounting sheet: http://bit.ly/eBeAccounts or https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnsySFfyjbiJdGVHc0czQWdhTUpvS192VFIzVmRsTEE#gid=0

Wishing Belgium a safe and sound future!

Your Ministry of Finance,

Ward De Bever