Ámbit eFinancierou - Inform económic Special Edition UK

Day 2,772, 18:21 Published in Argentina Argentina by Sheldon C.

Ambit eFinancierou - UK Edition

Ladies and gentlemen, I have some toor news.
As you can observate, our ranch has been taken out of our hands.
We have lost control of our most querided city, and now we´re "ass up"

Our tarasca is almost zero, there isnt any income left for the chupi and the minits, so the moral of the army is pretty low, and there are starting to fichate between them, so im going reculate a little from the action....

These are the statistics of the income these days:

Also, our military numbers are on the sotan:

With these numbers, we´re almost the country with less power (or as the argentinians says, with the shortest pij)

Advice of the day:
We have lost everything, our ranchs, our families and even our dignity.
But at least we have one thing possitive:

The minits that came to conquer us....