[Lelouch4CP]Closing Remarks[Day 2115]

Day 2,115, 17:26 Published in Canada Canada by MCMXCIlI

Greetings fellow eCanucks,

As this day comes to an end, Election day begins. This is a monumental moment for our country. With our newly found freedom, a strong leader and a solid cabinet is crucial in order to solidify our freedom. Tomorrow, I implore you to vote for me. Not for my sake, but for the good of this nation.

These past few weeks have been the most active I've seen eCanada in many months. Our old friends have returned to us. People are becoming involved again. Our population is rising. All of these wonderful things were made possible by a CPF Candidate. Who better to secure the continuation of this progress than another CPF Candidate?

I wish all of my fellow running mates the best of luck.

Stay Frosty eCanada,

Lelouch4CP! Share it up for a better eCanada!