[Law Proposal] Income Tax Change Proposal

Day 749, 15:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

As proposed by Secretary of Treasury Stiggeh


At the time of the starting of this topic our exports have increased to 84.28 Gold from the measly 2.94 a while ago.

I plan to improve the conditions of ePakistan slowly but surely.

While the food market is stabilizing after the earlier tax reforms, i have decided to take a look at our second biggest market. Gifts.

As it turns out, all the gifts available in ePakistan are manufactured locally, therefore the import tax isnt a big concern. The gifts are abundant and quite affordable in my opinion.

I believe we cannot ignore this segment of the market and we need to tax it a bit more than just 5%. I suggest implementing a income tax rate of 10% would better serve our purposes.

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I am open to discussions and ideas.

PROPOSAL: Increase income taxes on Gifts to 10%.

-Secretary of Treasury