[Kravenn] A reprint of my program for young greeks

Day 3,596, 11:37 Published in Greece Greece by Kravenn

Well, as usual, we could have no congress. The reason is quite simple we have fyrom and bullygaria who always want us wiped. Faster than anybody to launch us attack once we have back a region …
But do you know that once you have holding in a greek region who is under fyromian or bulgarian control : 80% of taxes go to their pocket ?

Yes, it is game mechanics and it means that you give them money which they will use against your interest.
Meanwhile, once there is a resistance war to back our cores, there is directly an embargo between the country who has your region (fyrom or bulgaria) and your citizenship Greece

Motto of our aggressors is simple : Kill everything who is greek, and we (Fyromians and Bulgarians) love to destroy them. If it is destroyed : do it again because it is fun.

Those who are suffering are our young citizens (low levels citizens). With no food, they can’t work and train, they can’t gain medals (hardworker and supersoldier ones), they will leave the game and e-die. Lovely program from our aggressors isn’t it ?

But, I’m here to help our low levels citizens

Cakes prepared (with love) for young greeks

I have some food companies (Q5) and I’m ready to give a daily pack of food to our low levels citizens until we have back our cores. These foods are coming from my own stock (but if some want to help : they are welcome).
Don’t expect to receive 1000 Q5 food per day (10.000 health) but more than enough to work train and fight a bit.

However, I added some requirements
- Having Greek citizenship (quite obvious isn't it)
- Being Max level 32 (included)
- Not having XP inhibitior from Infantry kit (like the picture below)

To join the program : it’s quite simple
You just have to fill that FORM and if you made it from last article, there is no need to fill the form again

- Nobody else than me will have access to the list
- I won't recruit you to join a political party (I'm independent)
- I won't recruit you to join my MU (closed to people)
- Selling food that I give = banned from the program

Work - Train and show how strong you can be

Supplies aren’t always given at daychange but you will receive your package

If you need any help or advice, you can always contact me but do it in English or French because I’m not RL Greek and I should use a translator to understand you. My answers are always in english (or french if you write in French)

See ya,

PS : I know that I missed my article on last day and that’s why I removed it, everybody can make an error.