(IFP) A Change We Need. A Voice We Deserve.

Day 1,888, 06:21 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Without reputation, you have no respect. Respect is needed when serving, and that is how you know the people support you.

It is undeniable that the IFP have a large influence in Country elections. Since last May we have backed the winning CP in each election.

If you vote for us, we will work for you. We will listen to the problems and challenges faced by our citizens and will work our hardest to make sure their voices are heard and expressed within the Dail in our everyday dealings.

We need to build a stronger Ireland. We need more citizens that are active and striving for this goal. Strength begins with the economy getting better. More citizens being self sustaining and us creating more demands in our economy.

By voting IFP, you don't vote for a Party, you vote for your Voice!

What will be promoting?

We are strongly behind the 'Buy Irish First' initiative despite the governments lack of interest. We will fight to have it implemented so we can give our citizens a better leife here in Ireland.

We would like to see more communicaation between Political Parties and the Government. That is why we are going to be pushing for a Leaders Questions session every Wednesday. Here the PP's ask questions to the Government, and the answers are released in a government article.

The IFP wants to encourage new citizens to remain playing eRepublik. Earlier in the month we launched the Mentor Programme, but due to little or no co-operation from government officials it failed miseribly. We will in the next term be pushing government members to support and promote the Mentor Programme.

We cannot achieve the above without a strong, quality voice in the Dail. Thats why we need you to vote IFP on Friday 25th January 2013.

Together we can make a difference!

Thank You