[EPD4CP] A Prescription for Success

Day 1,775, 14:32 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof

Why hello Canada! I hear you have a CP election coming up and you aren't in the best condition. Step into my office, will you? Canada, looking at your medical history and your current symptoms, something sure looks wrong. Sadly, you don’t seem to be in the best health. I’m afraid you've acquired some kind of sickness.

Lets look at your symptoms and see if I can diagnose you.

1.) Lack of Direction
Now Canada, I know Terra fell apart. Its left you a bit lonely hasn't it? You've been wandering alone in the wilderness of international politics for the past month or so. Just look at your choices. What, what, what’re you doing? You've even had a couple short flings with other countries recently! Indonesia? I know Temujin is cool and all, but seriously? Were you trying to make America angry? Ya know, there’s this large superpower directly to the south of you. Nowadays, Canada has some resources that look mighty fine to our neighbors down south. I wouldn't go provoking them if I were you. Canada needs to be smarter with its decisions, and put itself in a favorable position for success.

2.) Lack of Leadership
Oh Canada, I know you meant well. You went into elections looking for someone who'd stick around and continue to lead Canada into better days. However, for one reason or another, he couldn’t stick around. He abandoned the country. Wally was unable to lead Canada into better days. For a while, we had no idea what to expect. You’ve been a people with a blindfold on. As such, with no guide, we've been unsure of ourselves and where we are going. We had no true economic direction, eventually settling on a tax plan. We had no true foreign policy plan. In fact, when it came time for MU funds to be transferred, Wally decided to play a trick on and troll the Canadian people. We had irresponsible leadership. Canada was getting sicker and sicker. It was during this time that I was driven to madness and took on a terrible drinking problem. The population continued on a steady decline and Canadians have to calm themselves down. Someone was luckily able to step up and keep the boat afloat. However, Canada needs to find a solid, full-time leader.

3.) Canadian Boredom
I’d say that Canada seems a bit bored at the moment. You haven’t had any war for quite some time now and with your shrinking MPP stack, you’ve seen less chances to support our allies in their battles. The only thing that has been keeping you active and on your toes was probably the changes in the political module. Canada needs some sort of action.

My Diagnosis: Aimless Wandering Syndrome and Chronic Boredom

My Prescription: Elect ElPatoDiablo for CP

So what do I plan to do? I plan to restore solid, dedicated leadership to eCanada. I will give Canada direction while at the same time doing my best to not bore people to death.

1.) A New Direction
Canada is in the same situation that it was one month ago. The only thing that has changed is that we have irked America by signing an MPP with Indonesia. Other than that, we are an independent nation. However that does not mean that we do not have allies or other ties. We need to help our allies whenever possible. Canada has been seen as a loose cannon. I will restore respect and credibility to the Canadian brand on the world stage. All nations will be able to look at Canada and realize that it is a reliable nation that is committed to the defense of its allies.

We will need to find a home in the international community. Canada has several options. We can join EDEN, which was supported by the majority in a small poll. Canada could ally itself with CTRL or pro-ONE forces. The nation could choose to try and join Asgard or create a new alliance altogether. Preferably, I would look to create a new alliance if possible. It gives us the opportunity to shape our own destiny and invite any nation whom we call our friend.

2.) Strong Reliable Leadership
As the President of Canada, I will be active and available to the general public at all times. I will provide clear vision. As various situations arise, I will provide the Canada with the details of all legislation I propose and any plans I wish to implement to deal with those situations. I will take command of the government. I will interact with congress, consulting with them and garnering their ideas. After all, they are the elected representatives of the Canadian people. To spurn them is to practically spurn Canada. I plan to take ownership of Canada and its government to set it on the right track.

3.) Providing Canada with Action and Entertainment
There will be blood. I will make sure Canada is well entertained.

Poland has now proposed Canada as their natural enemy. We will fight tooth and nail against the Polish people to keep our regions and help France to retake their own regions. Chances are, we will get wiped. However, we will stick it out and do our best to help our allies. Will our efforts be enough to get France a region? That remains to be seen. As a good note, there will be much True Patriot, Battle Hero, and Campaign Hero gold to be won. I would like to see if we can recruit other nations to join the war effort by either supporting us in our battles or declaring war on the Poles. During the time we are at war, I will focus on growing our MPP stack to give us more of a fighting chance. If there is any common bond that Canada shares with other nations, it is a mutual hatred of Poland.

Some may disagree on my plans and how I wish to conduct Canadian policy. However, I know that this is the way to put Canada on the right path. To my detractors, I hear you. However, that's just your opinion, man. I’m sure it will be a long and grueling month. Leading is not an easy job. Perhaps it will have been a bad month for me to quit all of my sketchy habits.

Canada is sick. The doctor is in and ready to see patients. On October 5th, make an appointment with me. Vote ElPatoDiablo for Canadian CP. With me in office, I’ll give you a prescription for success.

Riding Canada into a bright future