Embassy of Venezuela in The Republic of Turkey

Day 3,383, 11:40 Published in Turkey Ireland by Miguel I Magno

Regards, welcome the people of Turkey.

This communication is intended to inform my appointment, official, and public, as an Ambassador of eVenezuela, before eRepublica de eTurquía.

Here they will verify in the respective newsletter of the MOFA of my country: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-embajadores-de-venezuela-ambassadors-of-venezuela-2632094/1/20.

I am convinced that in this new phase of political, commercial, fraternal, military and social relations among other things, we will have a greater performance and growth in the diplomacy and well-being of both nations.

I am willing to work to achieve these objectives, I think that the issue of communication needs to be improved; That is to say, the contact between both government and the embassy must be strengthened and affirmed to plan, evaluate, execute, and make possible the goals or objectives that we propose.

On the other hand, I have already contacted the Turkish authorities, President and Ministers to let them know my appointment, and my desire to work, and to improve Diplomacy.

Everyone knows the situation of general crisis that eVenezuela lives, but in spite of this, we have the utmost security and certainty, that we will continue, giving support to the people of Turkey, especially in the military, treaties of peace and alliance, among others; Our commitment to our allies is total.

I say goodbye to you, reaffirmed the commitment, of all of us government, embassy, ​​and Venezuelan people. Sincerely, For Greater Glory of God, and the Good of the Fatherland ....

Miguel I Magno
Ambassador of Venezuela