[EDEN] The road ahead of us is long

Day 829, 02:46 Published in Spain Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

I think it is time to have a proper introduction. As you may know, I was elected as the new EDEN Supreme Commander last week. I want to thank you for the trust I was given, and also I want to thank you for ruining my studies and free time. I promise to do my best to repay this deed.

To get to the business, several issues inside EDEN needed to be addressed, and the work is far from over. I have spent the last few days mostly assimilating everything involved, keeping everything together, and made plans on fixing and improving the issues that need to be dealt with. By now I have a pretty good picture in my head what needs changing and what does not. I wanted to share at least some of my thoughts with the public, so you can see that we are not idling, and that work is being done to restore EDEN to its former glory.

EDEN Military Corps

The EMC needs a lot of work. It functioned well just until recently, when it was left stranded. EMC is currently but a shadow of what it was before – active, strong unit that moved at a moment's notice and changed the course of a battle in a blink of an eye. I will, with the help of EMC squad leaders and EDEN Military Commander, reform and refill EMC. EMC's strength will be filled up to meet the modern requirements of a battlefield, and I aim to improve its activity levels and do something about its logistics.

Besides EMC work is being done to improve communication between member country army units, to better coordinate battles. Having units under centralized chain of command, or rather, having a single feed for combat orders, should result in better operational capability.

Making EDEN an Economic Alliance

EDEN stands for Erepublik Defence & Economy Network. We have currently 13 countries, which cooperate in strategic and tactical terms and we have a common elite military unit, but the economic side of the alliance has been neglected. It is long since time this to be changed. I will take it as my business to plan an economic scheme for alliance-wide tax and trade system. The Economic Organizers will be tasked to look up numbers of EDEN countries and see how the markets can be improved, resulting in a positive rise in EDEN member country economies, if the scheme proves out to be feasible.

Also, the formula behind the daily war fund payment to EDEN will be reformed to better take into account countries' income besides population, so each country contributes only the amount they can, equally.

Slight changes in leadership

After a week of being in office, some slight changes were made to the EDEN HQ. After a rocky start, I'm confident we can now start the process of healing and getting back to shape. The changes made will not affect the current, already started process at all.


The schemes planned take time to finish. There are several issues to be fixed and addressed, and changes do not happen over night. The military and economic reforms I mentioned require work and dedication, and most of all, involvement from the people. EDEN is a sum of its members, without it, it cannot succeed. I therefore ask all of you to step in line and start working together. Whining accomplishes nothing, only by working together, contributing for the common cause and fighting for a better future, we can thrive and prosper. I also ask you to trust me. I ask you to trust the HQ. I will do my best to bring EDEN back as the leading superpower in the world, and I cannot do that without you. The road ahead of us is long, and it will be filled with setbacks, losses, decisions people will not like, but it will also be filled with victories and accomplishments. Only time will tell how we fare, and it is equally up to me and you to make EDEN succeed.

United we stand, divided we fall!

Hail EDEN!

Avec, Supreme Commander of EDEN