【eC路边社】 e保加利亚&e马其顿将退出原有联盟,新联盟MIR即将诞生 (谣言 #,#)

Day 1,482, 22:03 Published in China China by KevinYu

原文:A new alliance is created





1.我们(e保加利亚和e马其顿)将离开原有联盟,自Day 1485起宣布中立。
2.在Day 1485,e保马双方将签署共同防御协定(MPP)。



Hello this is the eBulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We proudly announce the creation of new Alliance. In the past few months we have been in talks with various representives from different countries and alliances. Because of some RL issues or just hatred most of them refused to discuss our proposals. Only our closest neighbors from Macedonia agreed to hear our proposal. After many hours spent in secret negotiations final agreement was created about a week ago.
During the proces of creation of the Alliance many questions and problems araised, but we managed to find common language. And finally to reach agreement, not seen before in erepublik.
I will start with the name. We decided to call it MIR, because in old slavic mir means peace, but also and world. By the name you probably understand that we will seek peace with everyone, but also we will be fighting for it in the game. If there is someone who oppress the small one we will be there to help them with their liberation. We will protect any one who is attacked unjustified. So here is the text of our agreement:

1. We (eBulgaria and eMacedonia) leave our old allies and declear neutrality as of of day 1485.
2. In day 1485 a MPP between both ecountries will be signed.
3. Both countries have the obligation to protect all of the regions and the interests of MIR
4. MIR will protect every occupied or attacked small/weak country in erepublik until it is able to protect itself from it's enemies.
5. MIR is open to every peaceful enation.
6. Mobile corpus will be created, so we will be able to protect our friends every where.
7. eRussia, eUkraine and eIran are granted as observers in the MIR.
8. eMacedonia agrees to lend to eBulgaria the region of Western Macedonia and way to connect with the region.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

快讯: 4小时前,塞尔维亚官方宣布欢迎e伊朗成为ONE正式成员,土鸡、西班牙将如何抉择?这盘麻将谁能率先胡牌?

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