[eBe] March/April Congress Report - 4

Day 1,614, 03:37 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

[eBe] March/April Congress Report - 4

Dear readers, friends and citizens of eBelgium,
With proud I present you the 4th Congress report.
If you don't like the report, remember it is what happens in congress and what happens in congress, happens by the people acting there.
Feel free to pm the Members of Congress with suggestions or help shape the debates on http://www.erepbelgium.com
Yours truly and CoC of the month,

In-game laws
The in-game voted laws were, like usually, pretty booring stuff, some alliances and a donation law.
You can always check on them here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/country-administration/Belgium/1
where you see that Spain and Poland can now fight at eBelgium's side or we at their side 😉
public debate over new mpp's that is however not really active: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6066-next-mpp-s

There are serious indications that eBe is under threat for a PTO (Political Take Over), therefore our CP, BrunoCND, has declared a State of Emergence.
With this, he can use the SeCo (security council) to make decisions and for the first time in eBe's history, the SeCo had to vote in relation with ATO-measurements (Anti Take Over-measurements).
Measurements and a plan are being put into stage and articles will appear fast, to give our citizens information.

Constitutional Amendment
In order to enhance possible measurements, a constitutional amendment has been proposed and accepted that defines 'citizenship', this makes it possible to take away privileges, such as participation from state-subsidized projects, from certain people under very strict conditions.
As a constitutional amendment it needed a 2/3 majority of ALL forum-registered Members of Congress
Debate: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6123-citizenship-annulment
Vote: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6136-constitutional-amendment-accepted

Citizenship annulment
Under the regulations of the recently accepted constitutional amendment, congress has voted to take away the citizenship of a certain amount of it's citizens. Currently it is waiting for a SC-vote.
DonMatteo's name did not have enough votes to put him on the list send to the SC. The people who's citizenship will be annulled if the SC agrees are: Lodzia Tak, Pazaak2, podporkos, AlienStalker, kasza keekess, JarkesH, Spodnie, stev4o, Pavlosk96, thrassos1996.

Debate: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6139-citizenship-annulment
Vote: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6149-citizenship-annulment#123643
SC-topic: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6154-cs-verdict

Belgian Paras
eBe congress voted to support an private military group, the Belgian Para's, who wants to increase eBe's strength and influence by stimulating the stronger fighters.
Currently there are 6 paras, but Members of Congress expressed a wish to increase this in the future.
Debate: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6128-the-belgians-paras-budget
Vote: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6138-the-belgian-paras-funding-accepted

Forum Mods
The current forum mods that are voted by congress have their term ended, MaryamQ and Cooke4444 are already elected as new ones, a second round is busy to decide between djony and critically.
Debate: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6132-forum-moderators
Vote: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6144-forum-mods and http://www.erepbelgium.com/t6155-forum-mods-second-round#123647

Current Forum Debates
Well, there is nothing new that didn't got voted
Anyway, look also sometimes for yourself to our forum and the debate section of congress (see http://www.erepbelgium.com/f8-debate-area )
Every citizen of eBelgium has the right to post things and participate, as long as it happens in a civilised manner 😉

Like always, feel free to give feedback and suggestions on this report or on congress.
Yours truly and CoC of the month,